More investment for our Welsh NHS
The NHS is part of our heritage. It's a statement of who we are as a country.
That's why the UK Government is investing £1.2 billion extra in the Welsh NHS. It's up to the Welsh Labour Government whether they actually spend this money - or just sit on it like they have before.
It is only a future Welsh Conservative Government who will invest in our NHS for generations to come.
So we're able to protect the NHS for future generations.
Welsh Labour have been running our NHS for the last 20 years
- Cancer treatment waiting times missed every year since 2008.
- Wales has the worst cancer survival rates in the UK and of the lowest in Europe.
- Across the world Wales is ranked 22 our of 32 for cancer survival rates.
Investing an extra £1.2 billion over the next three years
- Welsh Labour need to spend this on our Welsh NHS.
- More doctors and nurses to stop 20,000 people each month waiting more than four hours in A&E.
- Welsh Labour cut the Wlesh NHS budget by £800 million - the only Government in Britain to cut NHS spending in modern times.
A future Welsh Government Conservative will
- Boost training opportunities for more doctors and nurses.
- End the historic underfunding of our Welsh NHS by Welsh Labour.
- Improve accountability, so patients' voices are heard.